Despite Executive Editor Chester Allen’s repeated predictions of catastrophic failure, the SCM Bradley GT made it from Miami to Monterey.
The Bradley GT fought through 100-degree heat, undiagnosed electrical problems, stacks of mechanic bills and its own determination to give up at any point over its 4,000 mile journey.
The Bradley GT is now poised to tool around in Monterey, CA during Monterey Car Week.
Todd Wilson, the final driver to Monterey, reaped the benefits of all the Bradley’s professional and not-so-professional fixes. But even so, the first time he removed the key after pulling the Bradley GT his driveway, the car seemed determined to keep driving.
The Bradley continued to idle — even though the ignition key was in Wilson’s hand. He whacked the steering wheel until the Bradley changed its mind and shut down.
The drive from Miami to Monterey saw the Bradley repeatedly break down — and fall into the care of mechanics and our brave drivers. Yet, as the drive wore on, phone calls reporting the next breakdown or fix became less frequent. Driver changes became more of a matter of “when” rather than “if.” Fixes involving creature comforts became our focus instead of reliability.
With the help of our amazing drivers, brave mechanics and meticulous planning, Publisher Martin’s dream of bringing the Bradley to Monterey Car Week is now real.
That said, the Bradley still has a 734-mile drive from Monterey to SCM World Headquarters in Portland, OR. At this point, that last drive feels more like a victory lap than another grueling undertaking.
Look for SCM’s Bradley GT during Monterey Car Week, where we devoutly hope it will lope around The Peninsula with original driver Don Welch behind the wheel.
It will also make an appearance at the SCM Booth at Concorso Italiano — and next to a maroon Mercedes-Benz 300SL Gullwing at Legends of the Autobahn.
Then again, it’s not there yet.
We hope to get detailed accounts of brakedowns and ingenious repairs repairs along the way. Also creative methods to make a long drive in a simple vehicle more comfortable.
For every one of the people that did participate in the driving and repairs there are a great many of us that have tried to imagine what was happening to this little car and the people driving and maintaining it.
next, a Cimbria?